
Pravidelně vás informujeme o aktivitách ARI a dění ve veřejné infrastruktuře nejen v ČR.

O asociaci

ARI je think-tank pro veřejnou infrastrukturu ČR. Sjednocuje a prosazuje dobrou mezinárodní praxi.

Výhody členství


ARI: The Czech PPP D4 Motorway Project

The Czech Infrastructure Association (ARI) organises a round table discussion, for its members, on non-discriminatory terms and conditions of an expected tender notice for a DBFO concession contract of D4 motorway project, the first Czech pilot PPP project in the transport sector. The Czech Ministry of Transport (MoT) appointed its advisors in December 2017 and the pre-qualification notice is expected to be issued in the first half of the year 2018.

The aim of the discussion is to gather views and recommendation of the private sector on the future terms and conditions of the tender, prior MoT will commence drafting the tender documentation. Taking the recent Slovak tender conditions for D4/R7 motorway project as a reference deal, the attendees will have an opportunity to provide their opinions on the pros/cons of the Slovak tender. Other related issues and project specific risks will also be discussed.

Only for ARI members, free of charge.

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Zajímá vás téma
PPP pro veřejnou infrastrukturu?