
Pravidelně vás informujeme o aktivitách ARI a dění ve veřejné infrastruktuře nejen v ČR.

O asociaci

ARI je think-tank pro veřejnou infrastrukturu ČR. Sjednocuje a prosazuje dobrou mezinárodní praxi.

Výhody členství


Kulatý stůl k testování trhu – Mandát pro PPP poradce státu

Market Sounding Round Table – Mandates for PPP Advisors to the State

The Czech Infrastructure Association (ARI), in cooperation with the Czech Ministry of Transport (MoT), organises a round table discussion between representatives of the MoT and interested PPP advisors on terms and conditions of a foreseen tender notice for advisors of the State to prepare, procure and monitor delivery of pilot PPP transport projects.

The tender for a consortium of financial, legal and technical advisors is to be issued in JULY 2015.

The MoT’s facility is limited by a number of 25 seats, please, register in advance to: office@ceskainfrastruktura.cz – provide us with a name, a firm and contact details.

The admission is limited to registered participants ONLY with ARI members’ having a registration priority.



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PPP pro veřejnou infrastrukturu?